Well-known member
Hi - Sorry for what will be a long post but I've really been struggling on getting my '80 running again. I have problems getting it to run after replacing Carb, intake, Distributor, spark plugs and spark plug wires. I have some back firing through the carb at higher RPM (Idles fine) and I've seen gas spurt out the carb as I turn the engine over but don't start it. I've also removed all the air stuff as part of this project (smog pump etc). It runs horrible under load (undriveable). Sooooo I bit off more than I can chew and need some help.
Spark plugs are black - appears to be carbon but I also see traces of oil so I can't be sure if its oil based or carbon. I have timed it over and over as well as others more knowledgable. I also ensured TDC on #1 when I put distributor in. Prior to all the work I did the old spark plugs were a healthy tan.
Now the question: I did a "dry" compression test. I removed all plugs, disconnected the distributor cap, threaded the compression tester in the spark plug hole, matted the accelerator pedal and turn the key for about 5-10 seconds. Is that the correct way or do I turn the key to "bump" the engine and have it turn 1 rev (repeat for 2-3 times). I ended up just leting it turn over for 5 to 10 seconds. Longer I let it go the higher it would get - up to 175. With this method all cylanders measured between 160-175.
I'm optomistic that I don't have more serious issues but just don't know. If I did the compression test correctly, does this rule out valve, piston, head gasket issues?
Could the intake have leak on the inside cause this behavior?
Specifics on new items:
Intake:Edlebrock Performer
Carb: Edlebrock Thunder series
Dist: Accel with high voltage accel coil
Spark plug - Platnum plugs gapped to .045
Spark Plug wires were 8.5mm - crimp your own ends
Spark plugs are black - appears to be carbon but I also see traces of oil so I can't be sure if its oil based or carbon. I have timed it over and over as well as others more knowledgable. I also ensured TDC on #1 when I put distributor in. Prior to all the work I did the old spark plugs were a healthy tan.
Now the question: I did a "dry" compression test. I removed all plugs, disconnected the distributor cap, threaded the compression tester in the spark plug hole, matted the accelerator pedal and turn the key for about 5-10 seconds. Is that the correct way or do I turn the key to "bump" the engine and have it turn 1 rev (repeat for 2-3 times). I ended up just leting it turn over for 5 to 10 seconds. Longer I let it go the higher it would get - up to 175. With this method all cylanders measured between 160-175.
I'm optomistic that I don't have more serious issues but just don't know. If I did the compression test correctly, does this rule out valve, piston, head gasket issues?
Could the intake have leak on the inside cause this behavior?
Specifics on new items:
Intake:Edlebrock Performer
Carb: Edlebrock Thunder series
Dist: Accel with high voltage accel coil
Spark plug - Platnum plugs gapped to .045
Spark Plug wires were 8.5mm - crimp your own ends