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Help! Midyear Headlamp Rebuild


New member
Dec 5, 2010
1965 & 1999 Convertibles
I am rebuilding the headlamp panel and motors on a 1965 and was wondering about lubrication. Given the use of different materials (steel, pot metal, nylon, etc.) what would be the best lubricant(s) to use? Some say don't use white lithium grease (it degrades nylon), nor silicone grease (after time it gums up), nor this or that. Does anyone know what GM used originally to lubricate the panel/motor shafts and drive gears? Given the advances in lubricants what would be the best in today's market to lube the panel mechanism and the motor shaft/drive gears? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am rebuilding the headlamp panel and motors on a 1965 and was wondering about lubrication. Given the use of different materials (steel, pot metal, nylon, etc.) what would be the best lubricant(s) to use? Some say don't use white lithium grease (it degrades nylon), nor silicone grease (after time it gums up), nor this or that. Does anyone know what GM used originally to lubricate the panel/motor shafts and drive gears? Given the advances in lubricants what would be the best in today's market to lube the panel mechanism and the motor shaft/drive gears? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Lubriplate "A" (fortified white lithium grease) works fine in the motors. The ball-shaped pivot shaft bearings were originallly saturated with oil, which will work fine considering the care and driving conditions the cars see today.
Lubriplate "A" (fortified white lithium grease) works fine in the motors. The ball-shaped pivot shaft bearings were originallly saturated with oil, which will work fine considering the care and driving conditions the cars see today.

Thanks your assistance is greatly appreciated.

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