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Midyears everywhere!

Feb 13, 2003
San Jose, CA
1972 LT-1/Air coupe w/all options
I don't know what it was about today, but I saw several midyears driving around here which is kind-of unusual.

First I'm pretty sure I saw the commuter '64 this morning (64DREAM) but I didn't get close enough to see for sure.

Then after work I was taking my son to sports class and saw a sweet silver '65/66 vert with knock-offs and side pipes.

Leaving the class we saw a blue vert parked nearby.

Was this drive your midyear day or something? :D
Lucky day for you, maybe? :)

Someone in my neighbourhood just got a silver 66 roadster and it looks & sounds sweet. I don't recognize the guy but he's gone by often enough that he must live fairly close.

It is something to realize how many have survived. Mine has been in the garage for 22 years and I am now driving it - keeping close to home at this point. Considering there were a relitively small number built (compared to todays production figures) there are still a lot arround that are driven regularly and not stored away. I saw a white split window at the Home Depot the other day. Love to see them on the road.


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