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Millennium Yellow Licence Plate cover needed

;helpIn need of an Millennium Yellow license plate cover. If you have one and you would like to sell it please let me know here or email me.

About 3 weeks ago,I painted one black!!!:chuckle Sorry!!:upthumbs

I guess that is just my luck, day late & dollar short. I have managed to find a cover though, will have it painted Monday.
gmjunkie, the next time I need something I will give to a call.
Thanks for the help.
I guess that is just my luck, day late & dollar short. I have managed to find a cover though, will have it painted Monday.
gmjunkie, the next time I need something I will give to a call.
Thanks for the help.

I went through the same thing looking for one. I ended up buying one and painting it the right color....:beer

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