I fully agree with the post stating that it's probably the opti-spark. Was the engine nice and clean when you purchased the car? The previous owner or dealer may have cleaned the engine bay with high pressure water, that spells death to the optispark distributor cap because it fills with water, even the vac line can't suck it all out. The miss that you describe really sounds like what I experienced in my 93 when the opti-spark got loaded with water after I boneheadedly cleaned my engine compartment with water. It would idle rough, miss under heavy load, but smooth out at the higher RPMs; it was still missing, you just can't feel it as easily. And it won't just go away, it eats the dist. cap and contacts due to the arcing between contacts.
At this point you could try several things:
1. Take to a tech, have him computer test the system, (about
$100.00) in my area, it should reveal the problem.
2. Trouble shoot the system yourself, this requires isolating the
problem, replacing plug wires, checking plugs etc. takes time
and money to do this.
3. Remove the opti-spark, remove the distributor cover, check
for carbon tracking, moisture tracking, corrosion etc. If any of
the before mentioned are found, you might as well replace the
unit now because you will have to in the future. Also will give
you the chance to really check the rear seal of the waterpump.
Replace the pump if it looks at all suspicious.
These engines because of the computers, and digital components usually run at 100% or not at all. Seems like the opti-spark is the one component that sometimes will work at less than 100%, but not for very long.
Good Luck!