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Motor City Regional Meet

Jan 1, 2002
Washington, Michigan
'67 Marina Blue Convertible
OUr Michigan NCRS Chapter hosted the "Motor City Regional" judging meet two weeks ago at the Rock Financial Showplace in Novi, Michigan, with 300 family registrations; judging was Friday and Saturday, and we had a once-in-a-lifetime driving tour of the GM Proving Grounds on Sunday for 100 of the owners.

Here's a link to an album of photos I shot during the Proving Grounds tour:


And here's a short video from inside the 40,000-sq. ft. judging hall:


John That must have been an exciting trip. That one picture of the bank with the shark in it is pretty scary, almost looks like he is slideing/falling out of the corner. I am thinking you would have to be going pretty fast to stay in the corner.

Besides Corvettes of carlilse I dont think I have ever seen such a gathering of corvettes.

What were you riding in? it certainly did not look like a marina blue 67

Think you might be able to arrange that again for the Nationals? I'd tool on up in the 57 just for a spin there!
Thanks for the pics John. I wanted to come up for the meet in a bad way but it just wasn't in the cards. I need to retire or something. Work keeps getting in the way.


Think you might be able to arrange that again for the Nationals? I'd tool on up in the 57 just for a spin there!

We're working on it - I've already planted the seed with Bob Lutz for a repeat at the 2011 National. :)
Great gathering of Corvettes. :w To have any year Corvette in that group would be great and exciting.

Do you think the grand NCRS poobahs would consider having the National at the same time as the Woodward Dream Cruise? :eek :cool
That would be fun. I'll have the '59 on the road by then.
Tell 'em they're schmucks! :chuckle

(But then again, they probably already know!:W)
Why would you want 2 great events on the same day, 20 miles apart? The Woodward GTO Tigers tried it several years back and their event was poorly attended.
It's a bit longer drive for me, so I thought I'd try to combine things. :)

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