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motor question

  • Thread starter Thread starter vinceh
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i have a '64 stingray with the 327/365hp motor. the motor threw a rod and i'd like to put a play motor in and save the original. my question is will a 383 stroker fastburn fit in it with very minimal modification? if not any suggestions ona motor. i'm dieing to drive again but want to preserve original motor until i get the kid outta me. wishful thinking
...the engine will fit, it's a small block but the guys who did the switch will tell you whether the stock intake manifold will give you hood clearance...you could always go for a lower rise dual plane if needed
I'd go with the dual plane intake regardless since they are usually more streetable anyway.
In fact, if appearance is important to you more than getting every tiny bit of perforamnce out of the motor (a 383 stroker is going to give you a lot more power than your L76 motor anyway) you could use your stock 365hp intake, carb, exhaust manifolds, distributor, etc so that the new 383 motor will visually look very close to the stock motor plus be a complete drop in, and give more power than the stock motor

make sure the new motor has the shortneck waterpump

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