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My "new" baby.


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2005
03 Z06,66 coupe(sold),99 Porsche Carrera(sold)
Here's a recent pic of my '66. Sorry it isn't in a better setting, I was too eager to show it.
sweet!!!! post some more photos when you aren't driving around.......:thumb
Thanks twiget and firstgear,

I've waited 40 yrs to buy another mid-year. I was 19 and uninformed back in 1969 when I sold my swc. That mistake will not happen again.
Brian - you old dog, you! I'm so jealous!! ;)

Congrats on the '66!

Talk about sad story... I had a chance to buy a white coupe (65 or 66 - can't remember) for just over $1800 in 1973 and my dad wouldn't sign for me. He said an 18 YO did NOT need a Corvette. :cry

Enjoy that baby and post pix so that I can at least enjoy it that way.
:wJane Ann
Hi Jane Ann,

The '66 was purchased sight unseen from a seller in Texas. I did view photos on the internet though and after talking to him for a few days I had a really good feeling he was an honest man. I bought the car on June 17th and it was picked up and delivered to CA on....get this, Father's Day! It's everything the seller said it was and like I told him, there's "another man on this Earth that I can trust". I don't encourage others to do as I did, and even the seller told me I should fly out and see it before I buy it, but sometimes you have to go with your gut feeling.

The '66 has taken the single garage (3 car garage) and the '03 Z06 has moved over taking its spot in the center of the garage. I've got the best of both worlds. I'm fortunate to have both.

Nice car, it's good to hear story like this and not bad story like we hear most of the time. Ace
Looks pretty awesome from here, Brian. I can't wait for more pictures and maybe a driving review?


I don't have the pics yet but I can give you a driving review of it. After receiving instructions from RestoCreations on how to tighten up the play in the steering wheel the car drives really good. The car turns heads wherever I drive it. It's not as steering responsive as the Z06 (hey, there's 37 years of technology between them) but for its age it handles nice. :thumb I don't remember how my '63 drove when I had it so I can't compare it to the '66. I DO like the side exhaust. It's LOUD! I'm 17 again in a 59 yr old body. :boogie
I DO like the side exhaust. It's LOUD!
Having experienced the localized thunderstorm which is 67HEAVEN, I know what you mean, Brian. Just like at the firearms range, earplugs aren't optional if you want to save your hearing.

Having experienced the localized thunderstorm which is 67HEAVEN, I know what you mean, Brian. Just like at the firearms range, earplugs aren't optional if you want to save your hearing.



What did you say??:L
Congrats on the 66 Corvette. :w White with red is bound to turn some heads. Enjoy.

That is a beautiful car. White doesn't get enough play these days. It's nice to see one like yours. The knock offs, side pipes and white stripe tires are the perfect combo. I have always liked white with red. My first new car, a 1967 Olds 442, was white with red.

Glad that your steering adjust worked out well. I wanted to comment on the adjustment proceedure but was having computer problems at the time and couldn't. These recirculating ball steering boxes have a specification on how tight the screw can be set. Too tight will cause a binding at the exact center of the travel. It will be hard to feel with power steering or with the wheels on the ground.

The proper way to adjust the screw is with both front wheels off of the ground. Mark the relation of the pitman arm to the shaft and remove the pitman arm with a puller. Turn the wheel one way and slowly back toward center. Just as you pass center you should feel an ever so slight restriction. If you don't feel any it can be tightened up some. If the binding on center feels pronounced it is too tight and will cause excessive wear. To adjust the over center pre-load on the steering gear an in. lb torque wrench is used on the steering wheel nut. The spec is 4-10 in. lb. to turn the wheel past center.

Obviously you can't get a proper torque reading with the steering still attached to the box but on a manual gear you should be able to feel if it's too tight with the wheels off of the ground.

Power will be harder to feel but turning it very slowly past center should reveal a bind if too tight (engine running).


Thanks for the instructions. I went back and readjusted it as you instructed. It's a good fix! :beer


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