porting thottle body
Remove the throttle body from car, at the same time bypass your antifreeze crossover so you are not running hot fluid through the throttle body.
1- using duct tape, open your thottle plate and tape it open.
2- using a dremel tool or air die grinder remove material on the shaft that the throttle plate is mounted to (only remove material on either side of the screw and in between them) leaving @ .020 of material. now do the shaft on the other side of the plate as well. now when you look though the throttle bore when wide open the shaft will be thin on either side of the screw that go through the plate alowing more cfm to flow.REMEMBER do not go to thin in these areas..@ .020 of shaft left on either side of the plate. LEAVE THE SCREW AREAS STOCK THICKNESS. If you want to go even further , you will have to disasemble the throttle body and clamp it in a lathe and ope up the air horn (inlet side) to a larger diametre, you cannot change the outlet side because the composite intake has no room to port larger.