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Need electrical wizard

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Don Strausburg

Have 1a 64 coupe. Headlights and parking lights work. Brake lights and turn signals do not work. Have put in a new flasher and still doesnt work. Any thoughts out there?:bash
Have 1a 64 coupe. Headlights and parking lights work. Brake lights and turn signals do not work. Have put in a new flasher and still doesnt work. Any thoughts out there?:bash
Yep,You have a problem in your turn signal switch or the wiring for it!!
To Junk

Thanks junk. I'll tale into the shop this week.:beer
You might want to check and make sure that the turn signal switch is plugged into the vehicle harness. Make sure your rear bulbs, sockets and grounds are good. Do you have rear tail lights and back up lights?

If you have 4 way flashers (not sure if '64's had them), then it could be possible that the 4 way switch is in the on position, and either the 4 way flasher itself or the fuse is bad and not allowing the hazards to flash. If the 4 way (hazard) switch is on, the turn signals and brake lights won't work.
My 67 had that problem. :w There was a connector plug just under the dash on the left side of the steering column. I plugged and un-plugged it several times and never had another problem.
Hope that helps.
To 67 Vet

I tried the same thing you did. Unplugged and plugged. Guess what? IT WORKED. Thanks:w:beer
That sounds like it might have been your turn signal switch connector. Glad it worked.

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