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Need help with replacement battery for '88 Vette


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2008
Lafayette, Louisiana
1988 Corvette Coupe - Bright Red
Thanks for all your help over the last year. My '88 Vette needs a new battery, as the battery charger indicates the battery is charged but the car will not turn over. The battery is old and must have a dead cell. Can anyone recommend a replacement battery? This car is not a daily driver -- a special driver, so to speak. I can put a battery tender on it and would welcome recommendations on that as well. What brand and size battery would you recommend? (The car came with a Duralast battery.) I also need to know how difficult it is to replace the battery in this car. Any information is appreciated greatly. Thanks! Cajun
I purchased a Duralast gold from autozone. They come with a three year warranty I believe. It has been in my car for 2 years I believe so I hope it takes a crap pretty soon. lol :L
Takes a little patients to change the battery .I found on my 87 (should be same as 88) the best way was to take the lower fender off .If Your stuck PM me and I'll give you my phone number .The battery size mentioned in post two is correct .There are only a few mfg's of batteries in the US just different labels.Good luck :D
I put in an AC Delco because the original one lasted 11 years before failing. How's that for getting your money's worth?
Found this on the net...
The majority of car batteries are created by 3 manufacturers - Delphi, Exide and Johnson Controls Industries. Delphi makes some EverStart models sold in Walmart and ACDelco. Johnson Control Industries makes Duralast seen in Autozone stores, Diehard - sold in Sears, Kirkland - the Costco brand, Motorcraft - which Ford sells, some of the EverStarts, and Interstate. Exide makes Exide batteries, Champion, Napa and even a % of the EverStart batteries.

What I did on my 1989...
Tested 5 different batteries using a digital battery analyzer. Prices have come down on these analyzers, and if you test your battery every year, you can actually monitor the drop in usable capacity. In the NE, I find that auto batteries regardless of brand are good for 4-5 years. The EverStart 75 was the hands down winner in CCAs, voltage, and date freshness. Freshness makes a difference because usable capacity drops over time. Next best was a tie between Interstate and Duralast. After 2+ years, the EverStart still posts way better than claimed CCAs. I use a trickle charger during the winter. When you pull the old battery, this is a good time to clean any frame grounds and wire connectors that are near or behind the battery.
I think that, if price is the overriding issue, then Costco's Kirkland batteries are a good choice. They do resonably well as far as reliablity/durability are concerned and the price, while maybe not lowest, certainly is competitive.

If battery performance is the most important issue, good reliability and long durability are second and price is a tertiary concern, then I'd go with the Odyssey Battery which is made by EnerSys.

Odysseys are discussed with more detail in this product review here on CAC: Extreme Battery
I just replaced the battery in my 92. After talking with more than a few people on the subject as well research on the internet I came to this conclusion.

Buy the recommended battery size and cranking amperage and shop the lowest cost, with the best warranty.

The Optima red top series batteries which cost nearly twice the amount as regular batteries has gone down in quality and are no longer the "best buy" that they were considered to be. Although they do carry an unconditional 3 yr warranty. Nothing after that.

As stated there were 3 battery manufacturers who made nearly every battery sold in retail stores. But my research in the battery market has shown that changes have been made. For instance, Exide supposedly made NAPA batteries. My new NAPA Legend premium 84 battery I was told is made by Johnson Controls, the same people who manufacture the Optima batteries.( and Interstate ) I walked out of the store for under $90 and a 2 yr full warranty, and then pro rated after that.

My decision to go with this battery was simple. Here in AZ our batteries rarely last more than 2 yrs. The extreme summer heat kills them quickly. The price was $70 less than a red top.( even though they do have advantages) Simple economics.
Thank you for your advice and help!

I GREATLY appreciate the link for replacement steps and the information for battery replacement. Happy Holidays! Cajun

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