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need info on authenticity.


Oct 5, 2008
rockwood mi
1965 roadster
I am looking at buying a 1965 sting ray convertible and I want to make sure I get what i am paying for. I have a 1967 and 1969 camaro and they have the last part of the vin stamped in the body. My question is do corvettes have the same thing and if so them where do i look? Thank you.
63 thru 67 cars have the VIN / trim tag attached to the dash frame under the glove box. Since you have older Camaros, I'll assume that you know where to find the vin / motor code on the block, and the location of the casting code. Two good references are Chevy by the Numbers and The Corvette Black Book, both widely available. The prices on these cars vary greatly, just like your Camaros = Big Block / Small Block, type of transmission, AC, numbers / NOM, etc.. Also consider the condition of the frame and birdcage - expensive to repair. If you're at all hesitant, you can contact the nearest NCRS chapter - I'm sure someone would give you a hand looking at the car. Without more info, it's difficult to tell if 'the price is right'.

Good luck in you search!! :thumb:thumb

I am looking at buying a 1965 sting ray convertible and I want to make sure I get what i am paying for. I have a 1967 and 1969 camaro and they have the last part of the vin stamped in the body. My question is do corvettes have the same thing and if so them where do i look? Thank you.

Aside from the stamped engine and transmission VIN derivatives and the VIN plate below the glove box door, midyear Corvettes only have one other stamped VIN derivative, on the top horizontal surface of the driver's side frame rail; on a '65, it's located directly above the upper attachment bracket for the rear shock, and can be seen with a small mirror after cleaning the top of the frame. There's no VIN derivative anywhere on the body.

The trim tag (also below the glove box door) can also tell a lot about the car's original configuration - post a good close-up photo of the trim tag ("macro" setting on a digital camera) and I can decode it for you. :)
Thank you for all your help is there a topic were I can go and decode my trim tag?
Thank you for all your help is there a topic were I can go and decode my trim tag?

The NCRS Pocket Spec Guide (or NCRS 1965 Judging Guide) publications (available at the NCRS on-line store at www.ncrs.org) will decode the body build date, exterior paint, and interior trim color, but if it's a St. Louis body ("S" prefix on the Body number) with other than a black interior, the trim tag has other information that can only be decoded using the NCRS "Trim Tag Book" ($50.00). Post all the info on the trim tag here and I can decode it for you.


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