Hi there,
I can comment on EHS and his running.
He is at 12.8 to 1 air fuel ratio, at WOT. This is the best power producing air fuel ratio, for most any engine, but especially Gen 3.
We monitored all fuel trims, with Tech 2, live plot, and full OBD2 diagnostics in place. At 12.5 to 1, he dropped 11 horse, at 12.3, he dropped 23.
When running MAFT diagnostics a while back on 2 cars, 1 LS6 and 1 LS1, problems were experienced with the MAF signal to the PCM in both cases. Translators were installed by vendors of the MAFT. Issues were minor, however, it did cause slight drivability concerns, as there is just a full throttle setting, over the entire range, not base in a certain RPM. You are simply fooling the computer into seeing either more air, or less air, based on a given voltage and frequency.
While it may work better on heavily modified cars, on a base Gen 3 with slight boltons, it doesnt yield the best drivability under all conditions.
This is the reason I cannot recommend the translators in these cases.
Allthebest, c4c5