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New addition to the garage

Aug 19, 2007
Oregon Ohio
2015 Z06 Callaway White, 1967 Corvette RestoRod
I recently had my Backyard Buddy lift installed.

The 54 Corvette will sit on top of the 1959 Corvette I just bought. :w

She has the 245 HP dual four barrel setup. Automatic, power windows and power top.
A '59 to keep your '54 company! I'm jealous! ;)

Congrats on your "new" Vette!! Beautiful!!
Enjoy the fruits of your labors!
:wJane Ann
A '59 to keep your '54 company! I'm jealous! ;)

Congrats on your "new" Vette!! Beautiful!!
Enjoy the fruits of your labors!
:wJane Ann

("I'm jealous")....me too!!! :)
DAM......... I wish I looked that good when I was in my 50's
NICE lookin' rides! :thumb:thumb
HMMMMMMMM....wonder if one of those Wonder Doctors in California
could do a "body on" restoration of me. Might look better........
Andy :w
Thanks for all the positive comments. :w
I drove the 1959 Corvette to my insurance agent today so that he could take pictures for file and do all the paper work. Then stopped to put gas in her. At both places cars stopped, people got out and admired the car.

But the best part was when young children wanted to see the car. Some of them got a big thrill when I asked their parents if it was OK for them to sit behind the wheel. I'll bet they will remember that for a long time. (A few parents took cell phone photos). Maybe someday one of them will grow up and buy a Corvette.
Beautiful car(s). I love that color combo, Sateen Silver (or is it Inca?) and red, very sweet. Yes, you created memories for young and old alike. :thumb
The 59 came in Inca Silver and at least the 61 came in Sateen Silver. I have to see them side by side to tell the difference. But then again, my eyesight isn't like it used to be.
Sweet ride! Saw it in person Saturday and pictures don't do it justice. Stunning color combo. Good luck with your new ride! :beer

Fantastic '59. I love the silver too.

Thanks bwing, Tom and Fred for the nice comments. :w
Fred, check out the key fob.

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