My Ebisu wouldn't start for me a few weeks ago. I was out of town for 2 two weeks and the battery must have drained. I jumped her that day and went out for a nice long drive to get completely charged. A few days later she was dead again. Realizing this jumping is terrible for the battery, electronics and a huge PITA. I bought a battery tender to keep everything good.
I notice that my DIC says 11.7 volts after sitting on the charger for a few days. I assume a new battery is needed. When running I get about 14.1 volts on the DIC. What reading should I get with a healthy battery? 12 - 13?
Time for a Red Top? I think so.
I'll have the Autozone guys test it for me but I would still like to know what reading I should expect.
Thanks Gang
I notice that my DIC says 11.7 volts after sitting on the charger for a few days. I assume a new battery is needed. When running I get about 14.1 volts on the DIC. What reading should I get with a healthy battery? 12 - 13?
Time for a Red Top? I think so.
I'll have the Autozone guys test it for me but I would still like to know what reading I should expect.
Thanks Gang