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New Corvette Action Center How-To Section


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
<a href="/tech/howto/"><img src="/tech/howto/images/howto.jpg" width="206" height="154" border="1" hspace="5" vspace="5" alt="" align="left" /></a>The Corvette Action Center's is pleased to announce the release of our How-To Section.

The How-To section contains technical articles submitted by Corvette Action Center members. We will add more articles to the system as they become available to us. It should be noted that the articles submitted are NOT checked for technical accuracy.</p>

In order for Corvette Action Center members to add articles to this How-To Section, please upload your articles and photos in the <a href="/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=248" target="_blank">Technical Article Uploads forum</a>.

<b>DISCLAIMER:</b>  This How-To section contains information from other Corvette owners and enthusiasts. Any information used from this How-To section is used at your own risk. Although we do our best to screen and verify the information provided here, the Corvette Action Center is not responsible for any inaccuracy in this How-To section. Always consult your service manual and/or a qualified automotive service technician before conducting any type of automotive repairs or modifications on your own. For further information, please review our <a href="/tos/legal.html" target="_blank">Legal Disclaimer</a>.

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