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New England Vettes Wake Up


Gone but not forgotten
Jun 12, 2002
West Townsend, MA
2001 Quicksilver Lingenfelter Convertible
Starting to see some chatter on the CAC from New England Corvette owners. Looks like they're starting to wake up their cars from those long winter sleeps. I'm happy to say that mine has been out for several short drives, I'm off my winter meds and all is well. So let's here from the rest of you.

I'm currently out west but I consider myself a Yankee for sure and I'll be back in NY over the summer, I can't wait
Weather been good here on Long Island. Been out a bunch of times. Love the sound of those side pipes and the smell AV fuel in the afternoon. Steve

I'm so glad that you're back in good mental and emotional health. After the winter we've had, I was really afraid we might have to commit you...and me...and Guy...and all of us poor suckers who live in the bleak wintery Northeast!:L Too bad this weekend isn't going to be conducive to Corvette driving!!:cry

Yup! I've had her up and out a few times now. She even got her first bath of the season yesterday. I'm going to clay and wax this weekend. With a storm coming, I can spend lots of garage time and get away with it.

I joined my first Corvette Club last month and they look to be a good group of people. I'm looking forward to lots of Corvette activity with them.

Safe Driving.

D in Raynham
Dons97 said:
I joined my first Corvette Club last month and they look to be a good group of people. I'm looking forward to lots of Corvette activity with them.

Yes, you sure will have a lot of Corvette activity with us, Don!:)

I just bought my 2001 red vert. last week, and all I can say is...... AWESOME! Nothing better than cruisin New England back roads
Live2shift said:
I just bought my 2001 red vert. last week, and all I can say is...... AWESOME! Nothing better than cruisin New England back roads

Welcome to the :CAC and congrats on the new ride!

Mine came out of hibernation on May 05, but due to the continued sh**ty weather here, I probably won't be driving it for another week (it's stored) or so. I'll try to get out of work early some day this week. The car is running better than it ever has! Hope to see you on the road!

Hi All, Mine has been awake for awhile, had to have NYS Emission & Saftey inspection done in April. Actually it's been disturbed on & off since March. I had a few things to do, fluids & tune-up & belt & intake screen & wash & wax. My new tires came and most of my LTPWS sensors, exc right font, so now my car hates me cause it's got new D3's on A-molds on the rear and OE ZR's on saw blades on the front. I want so much to take it out but not with two different wheels. Yikes! That would really make her mad! The OE tires were too scary for me, no grip at all at the rear with 15 yr old tires!! God I'm going crazy just waxing it and she is about to loose her parience with me, I think! Tom:w
Hi all, this is my First Spring with a Vette. I've been out for a few short drives here in the Bronx , but I saw ALOT or pot holes and lots of traffic. lol
I need a road trip!
I need to find a Club to join too!

Happy Mothers Day to all you Corvette Moms.

MikeYESfan said:
Hi all, this is my First Spring with a Vette. I've been out for a few short drives here in the Bronx , but I saw ALOT or pot holes and lots of traffic. lol
I need a road trip!
I need to find a Club to join too!

Happy Mothers Day to all you Corvette Moms.


Do I hear you there! There are more pot holes than you'd believe here in Worcester, and it seems like they're resurfacing just about every major route in my area. I used about 1/2 tank of gas taking my car home from it's winter storage facility while attempting to avoid grooved (resurfacing) roads. Normally, it would be about a 40 minute, and less than 1/4 tank trip.

Unfortunately, the last three weekends have been washouts. This weather is getting very frustrating. Here's hoping for some sunshine! :beer
I know this sounds crazy, but I had a great weekend with the Vette despite the weather and the fact that I never left the garage.

Listened to Clapton's "24 Nights" while claying the car. Managed (don't ask me how) to get a quick re-wash in, then spent hours wax on wax off. I swear, the car is glowing!

I've never before put on multiple applications of wax (just in case anybody cares, I use Zaino for everything) at one time, and the shine is the deepest I've ever seen it.

Only thing I didn't do were the wheels and tires 'cause by then the kids came home (for money, dinner, and Mom's day - I think in that order..) and if the weather sucks tomorrow, I get to do them.

I may never take her out on these wet, potholed streets again.

Cheers all and Happy Mother's Day to all...

jason marks said:
Drove it all winter baby

Gosh - I'll bet it handled real well in those 14" snow stroms - baby!

Wow I was on the Cape this week working. I SAW more Vettes than I have in a long time. An old timer had a C2 fastback that was Mint[I'm not sure of the year which means i better learn about C2's]. I saw an Old lady in a NEW 05 Convertible! Maybe 10 others.
All it did was make me wish I could drive my vette.
Was not as bad as you think in the snow,Im not saving this car for no one:D

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