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New" headlights


Sep 24, 2004
Southwest Kansas
2007 Atomic Orange Coupe
Well, beings I drive 007, the headlights have taken on some damage. I noticed, late last year, that, at some point, my drivers side headlight had taken some sort of blunt bump. It has three parallel cracks near the edge of the headlight. So I started researching my options for repairing/replacing them.

Lens replacement is one option and, apparently, there are many sub-options within that. With a wide range in costs. Another option is complete replacement of lights with 'aftermarket' versions. Morimoto offers a very nice option here, but at an elevated price point. Even finding stock replacements is not easy.

Just about the time i had decided to send my headlight in for an OEM quality replacement, I located a set of stock headlights, whom the owner had done a Morimoto swap and wanted to sell the stock units. My experience with finding stock headlights, used, was they many times were not really any better than mine, and/or were quite pricey. These, however, were very nice and much better than mine and we settled on a price that was quite easy to live with.

I've decided to replace. at least, the drivers side one for now (I'll probably do both of them while I'm at it) and when the need arises, I'll send my originals in for new lenses.

The "new" lights

Yea, it's good to get a deal once in a while.....
That's awesome. I'd love to find something like that. My 2013that I bought last year appears to have lived outside, which it still does as I don't really have a garage and really needs new headlights. As I don't have a place to garage it, tearing the front end apart and leaving it that way while I try and replace the lenses just doesn't sit well with me. I wish someone had a service where you could order a set with new lenses and then send them your old "cores" so they could refurb them for further resale. Wishful thinking I guess.

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