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Just joined the site and would like to say hi, for those of you that havent met me ime an American car NUT and love muscle cars, my favourite has always been the Corvette and ive owned a 1990 ZR-1 for the last years,its the love of my life and she gives me some hard times but boy does that baby know how to put a smile on my face:lou
:D Hello and welcome to the Corvette Action Center
Greetings and welcome to the CAC. You will find a lot of people on here that share your same passion (and anger at times) about this love we call the Corvette. If you have a chance, how about posting a picture or two of your "love". We always like pictures and a story to go along with it.

Thanks for the welcome guys hi Tom from corvette forum,i purchased my ZR-1 #1799 just over 6 yrs ago from an American car specialist just outside Manchester and the drive home south some 200 miles hey it didnt take long to get home:D

Originally shipped to Germany in 1990 the car found its way to the UK in 99 and had some niggly little jobs which i set about putting right then i had brembo's and coilovers fitted in 2000,and started looking for more power,Start of problems!,i wont stay on this for too long as ime now striving to put the work right but in short the 415/418 conversion didnt go well and i ended up with 2 rebuilds and a whole lot of cash out of pocket without reaching my target of 630 flywheel horse power.

Moving on i had only done light maintenance on my Z but had been used to working on my daily drivers and in recent years had cut my teeth on my 15 y old daily driver that had some 360,000 miles on the clock and figured hey if i can keep one car going that long without too many problems then why not my Zed,so once i had moved on from the old tuner i decided to strip the Zed down to the short block,at first it was daunting when i opened the hood(man wheres my mama)but as i went deeper into the engine area i found i was sticking my thumb in my mouth less and growing more confident and now ime just waiting for my new heads,plenum and injector housings to turn up from America for the refit.

Ive also rebuilt all the suspension using new poly bushings,overhauled the steering,stripped and cleaned the interior and reistalled,taken out and given the gearbox a major going over,fitted beam plates,installed a new music system and fitted new 5 spokes,i couldnt have done all this without the help of you guys round the world giving your advice and also the help of EES engine services of Louisiana

By the way the picture above shows her with half the engine removed she normally sits quite a bit lower.
Good to meet you all.
Ive also mounted my spare 350 block so i can practise fitting the heads and cams before fitting them to the short block in the car,i was thinking of making up some false head gaskets out of cardboard and just pinching the heads up on the block and installing the cams on the chains using cam pins and crank locator before turning it over by hand,just so i can get used to it ,what do you guys think?

I have also been taking the chains and centre cog off and refitting so i can see how it works
LoTu5 said:
what do you guys think?
I think having a spare LT5 in your garage to tinker with is awesome!! Welcome!

My personal opinion is CAC doesn't have quite as much ZR-1 action, but that the conversations seem friendlier here. Not that CF isn't friendly, but I like CAC a bit better. :)
Ive found the spare motor in valuable for learning on,do you have an audio of your Zed :thumbs

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