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new radiator

  • Thread starter Thread starter klb76
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Hey guys... I got myself a little problem. Last weekend I woke to the dreaded green puddle under the vette. I checked it out and found that it was on the side of the radiator, something I believed I could fix. So I pulled the radiator and found the leak to be in a spot where it looked like it was fixed with some kind of epoxy? So i dug all that out, cleaned it up, and soldered it all back together. Then I put it back in and checked the leak, perfect no leak. Of course the story doesn't end there, upon further inspection is seems I must have caught the fins on the radiator and made another leak. Bad luck I guess. So with two leaks for sure I think my best action would be to buy a new radiator. The only problem is after fairly extensive searching I can't find a radiator under 300$. This price seems rather high, keeping in mind I don't need a race radiator or anything just a replacement. So here are my questions

1) Does anyone have any recommendations on where to get a new radiator? (I checked the portal by the way)

2) Is the stock radiator interchangable with any other cars?

pn 917347-31 Tru-Kool $169.95 aluminum 2-rows of 1" tubes 19" high x 31" wide ... tru-kool is simply SM's house name for a Northern CR9607 ... we use them in race cars a lot ... made BETTER than a Griffin & 20-30 bucks cheaper. Gonna put one in my 71 vette. This radiator has NO cooler for auto trans ... if your's is automatic you'll have to use a separate cooler. Do a search ... there's been plenty poop here on this subject. The radiator I mention WILL fit ... but it probably won't drop in like it fell off the corvette factory truck ... if you want an aluminum to fit perfect then spend $300 & up ... at $170 tru-kool's the best price you'll find.

You made my day Jack.... I don't really mind too much about the fit because I had to rebuild the bottem of my mount because of rust anyway... and it is a fourspeed so no problem there either

klb ;)

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