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New VIN Number


Active member
May 21, 2009
North Carolina
2 - 1980s, 56 Studabaker, 71 Ghia
I am having troubles titleing my 59 that I bought in Texas and had sent to NC. The car has and older (7 years) restorartion and when they reattached the VIN plate they used screws instead of rivettes so when i went to register it in NC they said that since the vin plate has been removed at some time so they have to assign a new VIN.

The new VIN would be one of the long numbers and would be the only number that would show up on the NC title.

My question is:
What does this do the value of the car? If / when I am ready to sell it what will happen when when someone gets the title and the vin is not the original? Is this common? Also if I ever try to restore this car back to NCRS Specs can I with a different VIN attached?

Sorry about all the quesitons but I am pretty worried /upset about this.
Why don't you take the crews out and replace with the correct rivettes. The NCRS will help you with that.

Make sure you have the history to back up what you did and why when it's time to sell. I would not settle for a new, longer VIN.

Chuck M
After further checking the vin was screwed in originaly but has been reattached in the wrong place. I have sent NCDMV photocopies of the Noland Adams restoration book showing the scews we will see if it helps. I am worried about a new VIN not just for judging but from a value prospective in general as the old/correct VIN would no longer be on the title making this look like a Kit car.
I agree with your concern that the wrong type of VIN plate will effect the resale of your car in the future.

If your VIN plate is the original my suggestion would be to order some correct screws from one of the parts houses like Paragon and mount the plate in the correct place on the hinge pillar. Have some paint work done if necessary to restore the area. Then your '59 will be no different that any other '59 and there should be no argument.

Take your documentation with you to prove it is right. You may need to get a supervisor involved or even go to another BMV location. I would argue this to the end of the earth before I would let them put a funny tag on my car.

In Ohio we can have a VIN certification done by most any car dealer for a car brought into the state and then take the certification, not the car, to the BMV for title work. This helps people with project cars that aren't drivable. If you can do this in your state you may be able to go to someone more familiar with old Corvettes after you get the plate in the right place.


Was it the same "MVD expert" that told you "No Screws" that also told you it was in the wrong location? Where is it now?
I'm sure the TX title showed the VIN - ask the expert "why" Texas didn't have a problem with it for ___ years.
If it turns out to be in right location, assemble your Noland book, the NCRS judging sheets, black book, etc. and call and ask for a Supervisor. If you have 5 friends in the area with C1s, you might ask them to accompany you.

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