Welcome to the Corvette Forums at the Corvette Action Center!

newbie-finally logged in



Finally, logged on....
I am a newbie, so be gentle........I am the proud owner of a white 98 convertible, and love the car, its features and reading the forum, great info for someone new to the waters and like most new owners, have questions, just not sure what they are.......thanx mike
Welcome, and congratulations on your Corvette. :upthumbs

This is the best Corvette site on the internet, so you are in the right place!
Welcome Mike!

Don't be shy, ask all the questions you want. There are lots of answers here.

Good luck!
:beer :w ;) :D
Welcome Mike, You will find plenty great information and experience here. A must for a vette owner. Don't be shy. Remember, there is no such thing as a dumb question. If you have the time review the past threads, a wealth of knowledge there. Steve
:w Hi Mike. Congratulations on your new vette. You're gonna love it. The whole experience transcends just owning the car, so make sure and experience it all. Dive right in here on the forum, meet new friends, consider some local vette clubs, make a trip to some of the regional/national events, make a trip to the National Corvette Museum and assembly plant in Bowling Green, etc. It's the people that make this so special. Welcome!

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