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[News] Relay for Life: Ride in a 'Vette, but walk to cure cancer


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Sep 16, 2000
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1990 Corvette ZR-1
Relay for Life: Ride in a 'Vette, but walk to cure cancer

By Jess Nicholas
Progress editor

Prattville Progress

January 13, 2006
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Given the kind of cars members of the Capitol City Corvette Club drive, they probably don't opt to do a lot of walking.

But that could change at this year's Relay For Life, the American Cancer Society's community event to benefit the fight against cancer.

The Corvette enthusiasts, along with members of Heart of Dixie Mustang Club and several different chapters of local motorcycle clubs, will participate in "Cruisin' for a Cure," the kickoff event for the Relay For Life.

"Cruisin' for a Cure" will be held Jan. 20 at 2 p.m. at Sonic Restaurant in Prattville. There are room for more cars, car enthusiasts and anyone interested in the Relay, says Marla Packard Smith, who is serving as event chair this year.

"We're just encouraging all kinds of car clubs to come out and show their cars, and for the public to come out and look at the cars," Smith said. "It all goes back to our theme."

Smith said approximately 40 or 50 cars are expected, but there could be more. If the Sonic parking lot overflows, Relay organizers have reserved parts of the Gilmore Ford and Prattville Car Wash parking lots.

It's all an effort to increase participation in the Relay, said Smith.

"We just haven't had that big of a turnout at the Prattville Relay, and we're trying to bring awareness that Prattville does have a Relay For Life," she said. "We need more teams and more participation."

The Relay For Life is scheduled for Friday, May 11, at Upper Kingston Park in Prattville.

"We'll have a survivor dinner, which we always have at First Methodist Church, on May 10," Smith added.

The first captains' meeting is Jan. 23 at 5:30 p.m. at Prattville City Hall. Team captains will meet every month for progress reports, tips and strategies on how to make their team the best it can be, said Smith.

"We encourage donations, too," she said.

Sonic is located on Cobbs Ford Road in Prattville across from Kmart. "Cruisin' for a Cure" lasts until 4 p.m.

For information or to register a team, call 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit www.cancer.org.

Source: http://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070113/PROGRESS/701130303/1040

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