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North Dakota employee given 1972 Corvette for 40th anniversary


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Wahpeton plant employee given 1972 Corvette for 40th anniversary

Published December 02, 2012, 11:30 PM
By: Sam Benshoof, INFORUM


Mike Boock poses with the 1972 Corvette he was given at the end of a 40th anniversary roast honoring him Saturday night as an employee at WCCO in Wahpeton. Dave Wallis / The Forum

Wahpeton, N.D. - For Mike Boock, Christmas came early this year. Boock, the shipping and receiving manager at WCCO Belting in Wahpeton, was given a special gift on Saturday night. At a roast honoring his 40 years of work with the company, he was presented with a toy model of a 1972 Corvette, the year that he started work at the plant.

That wasn’t the real gift, of course – taped to the bottom of the toy was a key to an actual restored 1972 Corvette.

Gazing at the gold-colored car in the parking lot of the plant on Sunday afternoon, Boock said it hasn’t sunk it yet that the vehicle is actually his.

Full Story: Wahpeton plant employee given 1972 Corvette for 40th anniversary | INFORUM | Fargo, ND


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