Yesterday I stopped by the garage where I kept my Vette over the long winter. I got a new battery for it and wanted to start it and let it run for a while; get the fluids moving again. I have to move it today.
Under the car, running to the drain, was a puddle of reddish, oilish, fluid. It appears to be transmission fluid. I started the car and, while it was warming up, checked the transmission fluid. It was down a pint. No big problem, I guess. At least it's not dry.
What would cause this to happen while it was just "sitting" there minding its own business? Dry seals? Something contract from the cold? Damn mice?
I plan on topping it off after work and taking it home. I only live a few miles from where it is stored.
Another thing... The upholsterer won't be done with the seats until Monday afternoon, so I will drive it home with no seats. I think I will look like an L.A. lowrider.
Thus the season begins...
Under the car, running to the drain, was a puddle of reddish, oilish, fluid. It appears to be transmission fluid. I started the car and, while it was warming up, checked the transmission fluid. It was down a pint. No big problem, I guess. At least it's not dry.
What would cause this to happen while it was just "sitting" there minding its own business? Dry seals? Something contract from the cold? Damn mice?
I plan on topping it off after work and taking it home. I only live a few miles from where it is stored.
Another thing... The upholsterer won't be done with the seats until Monday afternoon, so I will drive it home with no seats. I think I will look like an L.A. lowrider.
Thus the season begins...