Numbers matching is a relative term. It usually refers to the VIN number, engine , transmission, and rear end all having the same numbers designating them as original to the car at the time of assembly by GM.
There are numbers on almost every part on the vehicle and for NCRS judging pourposes and some people's opinion they all should match if the car is truly to be truly designated "numbers matching".
The drive train (engine,trans,rear) has the vin derivative on its parts and can be checked for originality versus the vehicle VIN.
If you want to verify the other numbers you will need a NCRS Corvette Specifications guide or some other guide which will tell you what the proper numbers and dates should appear on such items as alternator,distributor,heads,manifolds,radiator,master cylinder etc.,etc., etc. for your vehicle.
The most important thing unless you have a very collectible and rare Corvette is to have a Corvette that you can drive and enjoy regardless of what numbers it has.
It all depends on why you want to know and what you want to do with the information.