Barry - just wait, it gets even better . . . .BarryK said:BTW, speaking of simple jobs on the car, or what SHOULD be a simple job, can anyone explain to me GM's reasoning for putting the sparkplug shielding brackets in such an inconvient place right in front and on top of each plug on the SB motors?? My neighbor and I had to pull one of the plugs last week to check it and after removing the shielding it was still very difficult to get the sparkplug socket down in ther and around the bracket! He ended up having to slide the socket on the plug and than use a straight wrench to turn the socket instead of the socket ratchet. On his 427 BB motor the plugs are real easy to access. He said he can have all of his plugs out in 5 minutes - it took him 10 minutes to just the one plug out of my SB!
Sheesh, bad design there.
if you have issues with spark plug access, try replacing the lower radiator hose, or, for even more fun, try replacing the fuel pump (both of these are rather mundane tasks severely complicated by access issues)