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okay so mabye my husband is sick of ...


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2005
Merrimac, MA
1982 silver/claret
working on my car!!

This picture was on the kitchen table this morning:

and no its not done! But I think he is ;-)

PS I can't get the picture to rotate here.
Well at least he has a sense of humor about it, at least I'm hoping that's a sense of humor:D.
Is the vette complete, or is he just done working on it?

Or..........DONE.........as in Toast?
Lori, your hubby is very artistic! :D

Even if the Vette is not completed, I have an idea there is not too much to do.

I can hardly wait for pictures of the finished product!

I know you can hardly wait to be driving! :)

he does have a sense of humor, he married me after all ;-)

Its not done, but the end is near. Mostly the rear end and the interior and put the exhaust back on.

he can draw really well, I think he does best with things that are caricatures. I will try and get a picture of the one he did for the vette that lists all the components in pictures and words, it reminds me of a comic book in look. I want to have it copied onto a larger board for shows. I have printed some 8 1/2 x 11 ones but I am not sure they would be legible on here.
Better than working on a Buick, isn't it?

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