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Old Indy Cars

Unbelievable picture. Do you know what year this taken, and how it turned out?

That was Pancho Carter in the mid-80s, I believe. He came out OK in that one. They had a full-color photo on the front page of The Indianapolis Star the next day, which was a complete side view of the same flip, with the roll bar about a foot off the track. A couple of years later, Hardee's was sponsoring our Thursday Night Thunder series at Indianapolis Raceway Park, and Ted Dudine, the sponsor rep, commented that they hadn't gotten so much publicity since Pancho flipped that car.
I said, "Yeah, and that time you had to turn the paper over to read the logo."
Congratulations on a great thread! I too love those old roadsters and uprights. A couple of notes...

Someone asked about the "Pegasus" decals on so many cars. That was the Mobil logo, and they supplied the fuel.

The Sumar streamliner would have been allowed to run in its original configuration if they could have gotten it up to speed. They couldn't. They finally took the side pods and fenders off, and Jimmy Daywalt put it in the field, as I remember. I also seem to recall that he said he felt much more comfortable being able to see the front tires.

On Smokey's "sidecar" or "capsule" car, Duane Carter tried it and didn't feel comfortable. I was there the day Bobby Johns spun it into the wall. I recall Smokey bringing it out and somebody asking if he thought it was really safe. He said, "If you want to be safe, stay in the garage - but you could drop a hammer on your foot back there."

I'm far from an expert on these cars, and I would invite your attention to www.trackforum.com. There is an old Indy car pics thread on their Nostalgia section, and there are guys on that forum who know EVERYTHING there is to know about those cars.

Thanks again for a great thread, and I plan to say the same thing about the Old School Stock Cars.

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