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passenger window

Dec 13, 2003
'04 Coupe/ Spiral Gray
Does anyone know if the GM Roadside Service sitcker on the 04 was on both windows?

If yours has 776 miles on it Don, then mine is like yours. You know anyone who wants to take over the lease on mine.
Wes04 said:
If yours has 776 miles on it Don, then mine is like yours. You know anyone who wants to take over the lease on mine.

Are U serious?
MeekRN said:
whats the interest on the road side sticker?
Had to get new one from GM put in . The cops broke cause of seizure luckly no other damage except my pocket.
My '04 has it on the driver side only.

Should it be on both sides?
Does the dealer put it on upon delivery?
Nevets2004 said:
My '04 has it on the driver side only.

Should it be on both sides?
Does the dealer put it on upon delivery?


Mine came new with it only on the driver side.

Thanks All

To all that replied:

Thanks for the answers. I guess it was only on the drivers side. Oh well, if anyone needs one I have a spare.:D
Remo said:

Mine came new with it only on the driver side.


That's what I thought. Thanks.
Hope to see everyone at Carlisle.
It was only on the drivers window. I remenber taking it off so I could have the windows tinted.

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