Help! The passive key system in my '93 has all of a sudden decided to take a holiday. It has been working flawlessly until today. I replaced the battery in the transmitter first since it had been in there for a long time. No luck! I have attempted to reprogram according to the owner's manual and all lights come on and signal as they should. I am receiving the message that the programming has been successfully completed;however, when I turn the key on, I am not getting an PKE indication light on the driver information display, and the system is not working once I remove the key and walk away from the car. I was just bragging about how this 'Vette has been troublefree for since I have owned it - wouldn't you know- I should keep my mouth shut!
By the way, this is the system that was on the car from the factory, but is a replacement transmitter, if that is significant. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
By the way, this is the system that was on the car from the factory, but is a replacement transmitter, if that is significant. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.