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Peter from FAmily GUY likes C2's *cartoon link*

Very nice. Looks like he is happy with his C2.
corrections to the art pc.

Beautiful job. But it's not a "1963". Looks like a '65 or '66.
Sorry, You are absolutely correct. It is a not 63, 63 Vette has a different lower moulding.
Thanks for the correction.
I dont know much about other Vettes, because I am a C4 owner.
But I am trying to do art for all C owners.
Not to mention CAC has been very welcoming compared with other Vette sites.
When I get in touch w/ Reeves, I can only say good stuff about CAC, the members who view my work.
You make me want to draw more and more.
Love it Great Job MORE MORE MORE :D:D:D
SmokinJoe, I would like to do a pc, with your Corvette in front of Metroplitan Museum of Art, 83ST/Fifth Avenue.
perhaps in sumertime.
Nice car there.

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