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(Picture Thread) Show your C4 to the world!

father & son

This post is going forever.
Very nice 84

Interior &


Where did you get the breadbox replacement part? I want to get rid of that hideous thing on my 84. Thanks....very nice car!
My 85

I thought I'd like to add my Vette to this thread. I'm amazed that this thread has been going since 07. I guess my post is getting in a little late.


Not hard to do...

click on the thumbnail in your post,

when it opens, click on the photo again

this will open the larger image.

In the address bar at the upper part of the page, you'll see the URL (address) of the photo, in this case, this one:


This is the URL for the larger image I posted.

Copy that address,

edit your post,
click on the IMAGE button above

select the "From URL" tab

paste the address in the URL box

remove checkmark from "Retrieve remote file and reference locally"

click OK. :thumb
Best Deal Yet - Given to Me By My Daughter

Ok, here's a good one for you. My daughter owed me money and who ever thinks their kids will re-pay??? So she called and said, "Dad, would you like to have the Vette as payment?". I said, "Let me think about it for a second...yes!" So I flew to Wyoming and picked it up...drove it 1000 + miles home without a hitch and now, guess what????...I'm working on it. Won a trophy at the first car show after just a detail. Got the seats fixed, new windshield and it's in the paint shop and should be done tomorrow. So, I will post a before and after pic then. The C4 has 92,000 miles on it and it sat in Wyoming in the sun and cold for 3 years...paint was faded terribly on the roof panel and deck. I don't like the color anyway, so I think you'll like what I've done to it....later!

My last Vette was an 02 and had a blast in Europe with it. I now have a somewhat modded Camaro that's also a jewel!


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'84, '95 and '04 Blazer.

Call me Mr. Bowtie ...


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Not So Free, Free Car

Ok, my daughter gave me the car as repayment for a loan and I thought, how much fun and how inexpensive this car was. So, since April, I have invested somewhere in the neighborhood of $3000 in it and now look at the difference. I hated the color (no offense intended to other gray vettes), so I had the repaint it to match the color scheme on my 88 Silverado. It's Medium Garnet metallic red on top and Quicksilver (the color of my last Vette) on the bottom. Still a lot of work to do, but it will work as a daily driver!!!
Small front.jpg
small back.jpg

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