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PKE system


Jun 3, 2003
Vancouver, BC
1993 LT1 in bright red
After having the BCM computer changed (a shop fried it while changing the heater core) my PKE system works but the delay on the doors locking is 15 sec not the usual 2 to 4 sec. Also to turn the systen off or on, the delay holding the door button on the remote is 15 sec before the locks cycle rather than the usual 2 to 4 sec.

Does anyone know what the problem is and how to correct it?
Sounds like you better bring it back to the shop.
The shop is doing what I'm doing, trying to figure out what's going on. They are a Corvette specialty shop but even when they are stumped, getting info out of GM or so-called GM experts is often hopeless.
BCVette said:
The shop is doing what I'm doing, trying to figure out what's going on. They are a Corvette specialty shop but even when they are stumped, getting info out of GM or so-called GM experts is often hopeless.
Sounds like a job for Gordon Killebrew. Someone on the forum probably has his phone number. He is renowned for this knowledge. Might be worth a call.
Can you clarify what was replaced? Does a '93 have a BCM? I was under the impression that '93 LT1s had an ECM, TCM and a CCM. Maybe I'm thinking of something else.

Anyway, what was the failure mode after they fried "it"?
The actual name of the computer that was damaged is the CCM. It stores mileage, handles the security system etc. It's been replaced and reprogrammed with VIN #, mileage etc. Now the PKE system unlocks the doors ok, it just takes 15 sec for them to relock after the key fob is moved out of range. Normal is 3 to 4 seconds. It also takes 15 sec for the locks to recycle if you are tryting to turn the systen on or off by holding down the door button.

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