Vettehead Mikey said:
Being that's there no performance advantage and a real reliability issue with the pertronix POS, I always wonder why people are so anxious to switch..............
I think what a lot of us wonder is why the chip on the shoulder over the usage of the electronic ignition system.
Vettehead Mikey said:
I'm glad you read the marketing BS from Pertronix.
"Marketing BS"? Does Mikey care to be more specific? The information Mikey labels as "marketing BS" that was posted by pws69 is quite accurate, fact based and verifiable by anyone who has taken the time to understand ignition systems. ;squint:
Vettehead Mikey said:
With the amount that these cars get driven, the points need adjusting maybe once or twice a year- ten minute job, big deal. They need replacing every 3- 5 years, twenty minute job, big deal. It all gets done while the hood is open anyway to do other unrelated maintenance.
Vettehead Mikey said:
You [pws69] do open your hood now and then don't you?
Apparently the thought of replacing points w/ electronic ignition is so sacrilege to Mikey that if I didn't now any better I'd almost wonder if that was meant as a shot? Real cute.
Vettehead Mikey said:
My dead bones original stock distributor has constant dwell up to red line. The car starts on the first turn of the key (even after extended winter storage) and will reliably idle down to 300 RPM if I wanted it to.
Vettehead Mikey said:
99.9% of the things that these 'miracle units' do can be achieved by setting up a stock distributer correctly.
Ahah! A statistical claim. Now let's do the math and see if we can get to Mikey's 99.9% shall we?
Do Mikey's plugs last as long as electronic ignition/plugs?
Plug life with electronic ignition: ~75K miles (rough estimate).
Mikey's plugs: ~10K miles (generous estimate).
Mikey's claim: 99.9%.
Actual: 13% of the plug life of electronic
Mikey's margin of error: 86.9%
(dang, not a good start at all!)
Do Mikey's points last as long as electronic ignition?
Well considering there are no points not much of a contest here... 0%
Mikey's margin of error: 99.9%
Mikey's voltage:
Depending on what reference you choose, Mikey's claim is off by about 30-50% Let's ballpark it at about 40%.
60% the voltage of electronic
Mikey's margin of error: 40% (estimated)
Annual maintenance time spend setting timing/dwell.
Mikey spends a half or or whatever...
THose foolish enough to run electronic ignition: 0 minutes.
Mikey's margin of error: 99.9% (actual)
Mikey's points ability to dependably and consistently fire the overly lean calibrated engines of the C3 era is difficult to quantify in terms of % (I wonder how Mikey arrived at 99.9%?). However we know that due to lean misfire conditions and the demands of cleaner, more thorough burning engines placed on GM and all other makers by the gov - that they abandoned points in 1975. Mikey would have us believe they abandoned points because of that one-tenth of one percent (0.1%) but of course common sense dictates otherwise. :duh
Taking the above calculated percents into account with respect to Mikey's claim of 99.9% the functional performance capabilities of electronic igntion - it is demonstrated that Mikey's claim is utterly erroneous and devoid of any legitimacy.
Vettehead Mikey said:
How about the abysmal reliability rate that has left countless users stranded?
Please share with us the data or statistics that Mikey used to make claims such as "abysmal reliability rate" and "countless users stranded". Please share the raw data and source of Mikey's information. Otherwise I'm afraid we are left to speculate if Mikey is on a personal axe grinding mission over the use of electronic ignition.
Vettehead Mikey said:
Why would anybody spend money on a widget that introduces a new failure mode that just does not exist on the stock points system? I'm still amazed.
Amazed is one way to describe it.