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[PRESS] Dave Hill Passes On Corvette Spirit


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Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
<img src="/images/design/front/hillretire.jpg" width="175" height="198" border="1" alt="Retiring Corvette Chief Engineer, Dave Hill, and Tom Wallace" align="right" hspace="5" vspace="5" />From the Bowling Green Performance Press:

Corvette Chief Engineer Dave Hill will retire January 1, 2006 after more than 41 years of service with General Motors. He was here for his last visit to the plant on December 9. Dave wished the plant employees farewell at Friday’s GCA audit meeting. Dave said, “I am most proud of my two years of J.D. Power awards, and I’ll be cheering you all on from my retirement rocking chair for that J.D. Power win. I believe that you can do it right here. I believe it’s within your capability. ‘Bring that racing spirit to work’ and ‘Be the best’ are the slogans we use up north.”

Dave is really excited because he is purchasing a Corvette to own. “I haven’t bought a Corvette recently because I always had a company car to drive, but now I am going to purchase my current company car, a 2006 orange convertible, a beautiful car.”

Tom Wallace is replacing Dave Hill in January. He has been with GM for almost 40 years. “I’m excited to be in this position and anxious to try to fill the big shoes Dave Hill filled. So far I have found everything I was told to be true; these are fantastic people building two fantastic products.”
tom a local guy here from the pittsburgh pa area.
So I wonder if Tom Wallace will hang out at the Cruise-Ins and drink beer and chat with us in the parking lot?

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