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Price for re-plating?

Feb 13, 2003
San Jose, CA
1972 LT-1/Air coupe w/all options
I was just quoted $700+ to re-plate the bumpers on my car. This is the two rears, the front bumper and the front bumper guards.

Does this sound reasonable or ridiculous?

It's a local guy who ostensibly does excellent work, which I like, but could I do significantly better?

I've got a couple of other quotes pending, but I wanted to do a sanity check.

If you have the time and inclination, Check out Modesto Plateing. They do a LOT of work in the valley and I would think considerably cheaper ;)

As I recall they are on 7th Ave or so, great guys, not the best part of Modesto though :eek

A lot depends on the type of plating. 3 stage nickle copper chrome costs more. Some places will drop one of the base metals to do it for less.
I had a 3 stage job done on my 69 the same items as you along with the L pieces around the grill. Cost was $1,100 and the service was lousy.Took me 6 months to get the order right and I had to return 2 pieces 3 times before they got them fixed. If the shop is in an area where the EPA shows up then their operating cost will be higher along with the quoted prices.
Overall replating original parts is a better option as many of the new plated parts are not plated very good and don't fit. I used to call that type of part junk,but it offends the person selling it for high prices if you do.
Recently had all 4 midyear bumpers replated. Cost? $275.00 each. $1100.00 for all 4.

Librandi's in Harrisburg, PA did them. EXCELLENT work.

Chrome plating is getting very expensive because of EPA regulations. Chromium is very toxic. Arsenic is also used in the nickle/copper plating processes under the chrome.

Triple chrome plating is Copper, Nickel, Chrome. Some shops don't do triple chrome plating. Chuck
Wow, I guess the price I got was okay.

The one guy I talked to does triple plating and was even aware of the NCRS concept of "correct" plating. I.e. he wasn't going to smooth out the welds or plate the backs of the parts, etc.

I'm still waiting for some other quotes, but if I get lucky I'll find a few hours to start unsticking the bolts this weekend and next. . . ;)

Thanks for all the feedback!
just a suggestion, you might want to talk to some bike guys in your area (motorcycle bikers) and find out who does the bulk of the chrome plating for the "boys". bikers are about as picky a group as you will find when it comes to chrome parts for their rides and will not tolerate anything but the best work. i've never been steered wrong using this "technique". i don't know what your ultimate objective is (show, NCRS, etc) but i would concentrate on the quality of the work weighted heavily against the cost. chrome plating is one of those things that might come out of the tank looking great, but with second rate work, you'll be back trying to get it redone or seeking someone else to redo it in a short period of time.

i would still rely on the bikers, though.
Was that fronts & rears for 2 cars or 4 cars? $275/car or $275/bumper? Was Librandi's triple (C,N,C)?
ChuckG said:
Recently had all 4 midyear bumpers replated. Cost? $275.00 each. $1100.00 for all 4.

Librandi's in Harrisburg, PA did them. EXCELLENT work.

Chrome plating is getting very expensive because of EPA regulations. Chromium is very toxic. Arsenic is also used in the nickle/copper plating processes under the chrome.

Triple chrome plating is Copper, Nickel, Chrome. Some shops don't do triple chrome plating. Chuck
One car, front lt. and rt., rear lt. and rt.

Triple chrome, copper/nickel/chrome on 4 nice original cores with NO repair needed. Chuck
Luggage rack replating ?

Any thoughts on getting my luggage rack replated? Should I just buy a new one? Car is on stands and down to bare glass right now. I'll be starting some glass work in a couple of months. Speaking of which I will probably have some Q's about that in the very near future also.
lone73 said:
Any thoughts on getting my luggage rack replated? Should I just buy a new one?

I'd just buy a new one. In fact, when my luggage rack became unsightly I did just that! :) I went with the stainless version versus the chrome, too. It's a little less bright, but it won't rust and needs less maintenance.

Just make sure you get the right one. There are different versions based on the number of holes, at least.

I figure NCRS is going to dock me for the luggage rack regardless so who cares if it's "correct" for the car. Besides, when I paint it's going away anyhow. . .

I'm still gathering quotes but that first one I mentioned is the best so far. Some folks don't seem to want to call back or respond to emails which makes me think they don't want my business anyway. . .
I thought y'all might like to know that I got my parts back today.

The results were absolutely amazing. My only real problem is that once I put these on the car everything else is going to look like crap! :D

I've got a few pictures if y'all are interested:






And after:




I had a little trouble deciding if I wanted triple-chrome (show chrome) or not but after a little soul searching I decided I did. The only problem is that the NCRS may well consider the bumpers to be "over restored" and dock me points if I ever get judged.

I bought all new bolts from Paragon but I'm probably going to refinish the originals someday. Until then the new ones should be good! ;)

All I have to do now is mask these and paint the backs with clear rust-oleum and then bolt them on.

Hopefully the @^#@$%! rain stops so I can work! :D

BTW, I went with Superior Chrome in San Jose. They do great work and they are 4 miles from my house!
JJS said:
Who did the work?

Superior Chrome in San Jose. They were quick, and nice to work with. They were also very tolerant of my waffling with regard to show versus street chrome even though it was only for a couple of hours and it didn't slow them down. :)

The price was good (about $850 for everything including a repair to one of the bumperette nuts) and the work is nearly flawless.

I'll tell you this much, masking these things off to spray the insides is a royal pain! :D
Thanks for the info. I forgot to tell you how great they look!!
They look fantastic.

lone73 said:
Any thoughts on getting my luggage rack replated? Should I just buy a new one? Car is on stands and down to bare glass right now. I'll be starting some glass work in a couple of months. Speaking of which I will probably have some Q's about that in the very near future also.

A little knowledge (on my part :) ) is a dangerous thing. Let me say that there are several different styles of luggage racks. They differ in the placement of the holes drilled in your rear deck.

It MIGHT be tough to find an identical replacement rack with the mounting holes in the right place. A friend had this problem with his 69. Ended up having his rack replated, an expensive proposition because of the number of pieces involved. Chuck
ChuckG is correct on the hole placement. If you do go for a new one, make sure it's correct. I had my rack re-chromed to save myself lot of problems.

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