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Pulling Codes on a C5

Pulliing codes on C6

Hi just got a used 2007 C6 and left gas cap loose, check engine light is on. Replaced gas cap and light stays on after a few days. Tried the instructions for C5 does nothing on the display. Are there different instructions for a C6? Hate to think I have a real problem after having the car for 5 days.:confused
Hi just got a used 2007 C6 and left gas cap loose, check engine light is on. Replaced gas cap and light stays on after a few days. Tried the instructions for C5 does nothing on the display. Are there different instructions for a C6? Hate to think I have a real problem after having the car for 5 days.:confused

Hi J2,
Unfortunately, for reasons known only to themselves, the Corvette engineers designed the electronics in the C6 such that you cannot pull codes in a C6 at all, without a special diagnostic device. At least, I've not heard of anyone who's figured out how to crack the system in a C6.

Trying to find info on IPC code U1160 on my 2002 C5. No luck so far. Anyone have this one before or know where to find it...

well i think after much digging around on the web i found it......
New to site

Thanks to this posting I was able to reset my computer,,, Thanks to everyone
Thanks for posting how to pull codes

I see that you did this a long time ago, but I just used it today. Thanks so much for posting this! It of course worked and it will help me figure out what's going on with my C5 (2002). I have a "Service Active Handling" message to deal with. There's lots written about this on this forum so I'll poke around some.
Thanks. :thumb

I recently had to pull codes on my Z06. Never having done it before, and then interpreting the codes I got, it required going on a bit of a fishing expedition through the "Search Forum" section. This gave me an appreciation for how difficult it can be to track down how to get a code, and how to understand what it means, particularly for those who either haven't done it before, or who aren't familiar with the process in the C5 Generation Corvette.

So I'm posting this as a resource to anyone new to the C5, or unfamiliar with the process.

How to Pull Codes:
1. Turn your key to the "ON" position, but do not start the engine.
2. Clear any present messages by pressing the RESET button.
3. Hold the OPTIONS button down, and press the FUEL button 4 times. (This will get you into the "codes" section of the DIC.
4. The computer will automatically display all the codes your car has created. It will cycle through each code every 3 seconds. (Have a pen and paper handy to write down the codes)

Note: Any code that ends in an "H" is a history code (something that has occurred in the past, but is not reporting as an error currently.)

5. Once the computer has finished going through all of its codes, press RESET to enter Manual Configuration mode. It should start with a module and show "NO CODES" or "# Codes."
6. To optionally reset codes once in manual mode, press and hold RESET until is displays "NO CODES."
7. Press OPTIONS to go into the next module (ie, from PCM, or Powertrain Control Module, to TCS, or Traction Control System.)
8. Repeat Step 6 until you have reset all the codes in all the computer modules.

Note: Only reset the codes if you want to- it is not necessary to reset them every time you pull the codes.

9. When finished, simply take your key out of the ignition.

How to Interpret Codes
Now, once you've pulled the codes (it will usually be a letter followed by four numbers), you can go to THIS SITE to get an interpretation of what they mean.

Happy to help, JSS. Good luck on troubleshooting your codes.
heat/ac control light bulbs

does anyone ever replaced the back lighting bulbs in a heater control head,, I'm getting ready to try,,,would like a little heads up on this subject....thanks Gene
does anyone ever replaced the back lighting bulbs in a heater control head,, I'm getting ready to try,,,would like a little heads up on this subject....thanks Gene

Hi Gene, This problem is common. Unfortunately, there are no bulbs to replace.................If you search on e-Bay you will find a source for a rebuilt unit that you can swap out and it will solve the 'dim' light problem. Installation is not too bad either. Good luck!:)
Hi Gene, This problem is common. Unfortunately, there are no bulbs to replace.................If you search on e-Bay you will find a source for a rebuilt unit that you can swap out and it will solve the 'dim' light problem. Installation is not too bad either. Good luck!:)
Actually their are bulbs in it HAVC Control Module,They have them at Radio Shack!:thumb
Bulbs probly isn't the problem,It's probly the flat wafer resisters on the circuit board have cold solder joints! I repair allot of them!!:thumb



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heater control head

actually the bulbs I need to replace are behind the temp control knob on the left side of the controler,,the digital readout works fine...Do you have any info on those bulbs? I do quit alot of work on these old cars, I may be stupid but I love working on them...I just haven't done the heater control head....I've replaced the bulbs in the face of the radio, got rid of those dark buttons...:thumb Gene
I am so glad I read this. I'm sorry to say that I don't know how to help you as far as the H and C. Other than to tell you mine has them too but I didn't realize H was history and C was current. So good luck and thanks

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Roy Dudley here. Just became a forum member and saw your post re: Pulling Codes. What a great post!! I signed up because I was having issues that your post solved in about 10 minutes. Probably saved me big money at the local Chevy "Stealership". If you ever come to San Francisco I owe you a beer.

Roy Dudley
I took my 2004 ZO6 into the Dealer yesterday to have them change the codes and what they told me pissed me off good! They told me that it would be $115.00 per hour and the car had to be there at least two hours what the hell is all that about telling me it will be there at least two hrs. and they didn't even look at her. I also requested to go with her when she was serviced and they told this is not going to happen and then told me to find another garage:mad:mad If there was a decent mechanic that new anything about Corvettes in Michigan I sure would like to know:eyerole
On codes if you are not sure what you have. Go to autozone and they will check your codes for free. Some other stores may do it as well but I'm not sure. They are also fairly good at getting you pointed in the right direction as to the most and least likely cause to the problem. You can check your own codes on the early 2000 models I believe 2000-2004. There are great YouTube videos on this. Good luck

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For some reason the volume didn't work on this thread but you can find it on YouTube thanks

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I took my 2004 ZO6 into the Dealer yesterday to have them change the codes and what they told me pissed me off good! They told me that it would be $115.00 per hour and the car had to be there at least two hours what the hell is all that about telling me it will be there at least two hrs. and they didn't even look at her. I also requested to go with her when she was serviced and they told this is not going to happen and then told me to find another garage:mad:mad If there was a decent mechanic that new anything about Corvettes in Michigan I sure would like to know:eyerole

Well if that don't suck out loud; don't know anything about mechanics in Michigan but I'd be damned if I would be treated this way and pay them too!!! Would not happen I'll tell you that, have to wonder if the dealer knows and I wouldn't think he would want anyone treated that way and I would for sure find out, flat out ask him, I'm assuming this treatment was from a service writer or service manager or one of his goons!! Odds are the dealer knows nothing at all, and if by some chance in hell he does I would make sure General Motors rep for this dealer is fully versed on the matter, that is if the dealer doesn't take care of it and I'm guessing he will. Just who does this idiot answer to and who in the hell does he think he is would be what I would want to know first of all!!! WOULD NOT STAND FOR IT ONE BIT!!! But what you do is your business, just saying WOW!!!

Welcome to Corvette Action Center

For some reason the volume didn't work on this thread but you can find it on YouTube thanks

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Hey there real quick, welcome aboard we're glad you found us and decided to join in :happyanim:

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