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News: Push for June 30 To Be Declared National Day of Recognition for Corvette


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
For Immediate Release
Contact: Mark Merkel, Mid America Motorworks
217-540-4252 or mark.merkel@mamotorworks.com

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Push for June 30 To Be Declared National Day of Recognition for Corvette

Mid America Motorworks Behind Grassroots Movement To Celebrate The Birthday of America’s Sports Car

EFFINGHAM, IL – Long a supporter of the Corvette hobby and creator of “Drive Your Corvette To Work Day”, Mid America Motorworks has petitioned the United States Congress to declare June 30th a National Day of Recognition for Corvette - America’s First Sports Car. The Corvette first rolled off a Flint, Michigan assembly line on June 30, 1953.

The petition is being presented by Congressman John Shimkus (R-Illinois). All Corvette enthusiasts are urged to contact their congressional representatives to pass this resolution.

“As the longest running, most widely respected production sports car in United States history, the Chevrolet Corvette is more than a material possession. It is truly a symbol of American pride. For this reason Mid America Motorworks is launching a grassroots movement to honor America’s True Sports Car with a National Day of Recognition.” said Mike Yager, Chief Cheerleader and founder of Mid America Motorworks, the world’s leading supplier of Corvette parts and accessories.

Mid America Motorworks has a history of creating national movements to honor the Corvette. In June of 2001, Mid America Motorworks created Drive Your Corvette To Work Day as an annual event to celebrate Corvette’s Birthday on the Friday closest to June 30. On Friday, June 27th 2008, thousands of Corvette lovers will drive their Corvette to work to participate in the 8th annual event.

In September of 2001, Mid America Motorworks orchestrated a massive grassroots movement, called the Corvette Stampede, to petition the United States Post Office to create a Corvette Stamp.

The stamp was to honor of the 50th Anniversary of Corvette. Finally released in 2005, the USPS debuted the stamp at Mid America Motorworks Corvette Funfest.

This year, as GM celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2008, a National Day of Recognition is a fitting tribute to Corvette – GM’s greatest contribution to the automotive industry.

Every Corvette owner is encouraged to petition his or her congressional representative to pass the resolution declaring June 30th as a National Day of Recognition for Corvette. For more information go to www.mamotorworks.com/corvette or call 800-500-1500.


Mid America Motorworks offers quality parts and accessories for 1953-2008 Corvette and Air-Cooled VW enthusiasts. For more information on Mid America Motorworks, or to request a free catalog, please call toll-free 800-500-1500 or shop www.mamotorworks.com/corvette.

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