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questions about the 1987 corvette


Aug 17, 2009
jacksonville, fl
I have some questions and please feel free to answer any to your knowledge.Im in jacksonville,FL if it matters.

1. What kind of gas should i use on a 87 vette that is stock. The last guy said he used regular 87 octane and it ran fine. but would it be better to run another type of gas through it to make it run faster or better?

2. I also plan on making this car as fast as i can.
I am planning on putting a new exhaust system with a new air filter with new headers and a bunch of other things. Now the car is fine as it is. Would it be better if i replace them now or should i wait until i start having problems with them? This corvette has 84,000 miles on it.

3. Also should i keep the regular engine or should i save up for a new one like an LS7 engine?

Also if yall know any good sites to get parts for corvettes at a good price please let me know.
Welcome to the CAC. Preventive maintenance is good, such as plugs rotor maybe wires and cap if they look bad. Check power steering fluid, coolant , brake fluid and transmission oil to see what the condition is. You might want to change them.
But don't fix it if it isn't broke.
I don't know the compression ratio on your car but on my 90 it is
10.25 to 1 . I can tell just a little difference on the way it runs and the mileage on premium fuel. It runs just fine on regular, the ECM adjust for it.
Stay away from ethanol gas if you can,the injectors don't like it and you could end up having to change them.The ethanol gets to the windings and they short out.
Others will chime in on the engine swap.


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