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reading datastream need info

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Does anyone know what controls block learn because i know it is long fuel trim . And it works with the intergator and that works off the injectors .So my ingerator is at 128 counts wich is good and my block learn is 108 counts reading lean but i cant find in any manual what controls well i know the ECM controls but what is it looking at .All i found was that the intergator and block learn should be within 5-10 counts,Does anyone have any ideas?
Nope! :L

Sorry Tech, but I don't know enough about that to help ya. Maybe c4c5specialist will notice this and respond. Or maybe one of the other moderators knows more about "block learn" etc.. Good luck! ;)

Disconnect you battery for more than 30 seconds and the ECM should enter Block Learn Mode.

Block learn and Integrator, which are now more correctly known as Long Term and Short Term Fuel Trim respectively, is an indication that an adjustment in fuel delivery is being performed.

The upper limit for Long Term is usually set at about 180 to a lower level of about 80, although this can vary from calibration to calibration.
The difference between short term and long term fuel trim is the speed and amount of the change to the fuel delivery. Short term fuel trim makes very quick and small changes to the fuel delivery. The long term fuel trim makes slower, but more lasting changes.

Thanks for responses guys i will do some readindg and reasearch.

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