Rear End "Clunk"!
When starting cold,I have to wait for my '79 to completely warm up,& the RPM's to drop down to below 1200, or when I try to put it in reverse before then I get a loud -clunk!-sound.I'm not sure if its u-joints,or what?,and would like some suggestions.I've replaced a rubber "doughnut" thats in front of the rear end that helped some.I'm hoping I dont have to tear into the rear end or tranny.When its warmed up & idly normally,its noticeable,but barely
When starting cold,I have to wait for my '79 to completely warm up,& the RPM's to drop down to below 1200, or when I try to put it in reverse before then I get a loud -clunk!-sound.I'm not sure if its u-joints,or what?,and would like some suggestions.I've replaced a rubber "doughnut" thats in front of the rear end that helped some.I'm hoping I dont have to tear into the rear end or tranny.When its warmed up & idly normally,its noticeable,but barely