Hi Folks, Just rebuilt both headlight gears on my '90. Driver's side worked perfectly. When I put passenger side in, driver would only open 1/2 way and stopped, passenger not at all. Passenger Motor was hot as well. When I unplug motor on passenger, driver side works perfectly. Been reading all afternoon, 90's don't apparently have relays, have a control module. Tested for voltage with a Multimeter, driver looks like it gets a quick pulse going from positive to negative when you go from on to off. As it's a digital meter, meter may not be fast enough to accurately read pulse, so I assume the motor load must complete the circuit. I get no pulse on the inoperative side. I'm also making an assumption that the control module must monitor load of both sides. Leaning to a bad motor coil, it travels perfectly with the manual k'nob. But without seeing any voltage, I am worried that there is another open component in the circuit too.