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Registry of Corvette Race Cars


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
The Spirit of Corvette Race Cars Starts Here! The Registry of Corvette Race Cars serves as caretakers to preserve authentic Corvette race cars that keep the Corvette legend alive.

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Life is Good

Hi Rob,
It seems like every week we find a "new" old Corvette race car that has been discovered and people want the history.

To help with the fun, this August, CORVETTE AT CARLISLE will host the CORVETTE RACE CAR REUNION. This every 5 year event was started by Chip Miller in 1999. We lost Chip in 2004, but still had a great turn out of 85 cars and over 300 people who raced or worked with the teams 'back in the day'. This year will be bigger and better. Lance Miller will tell us within the next 10 days of a special Featured Guest that non of us have ever seen at a Corvette event.

Plan ahead you racers. August 28-30, 2009.Let's :boogie

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