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Help! Removel of center instrument panel on a 78 Corvette.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Hello Forum.
How do i remove the centre instrument panel on 78 Corvette.
I have removed carpet side panels, 3 screws ,from top, 2 from side, and 2 from the base of the panel.
Is loose, but refuses to come out.
Thanking you.
Dave B
Hi Dave & Welcome to the Covette Action Center Community!

It has been a while since I had my center cluster out, but it sounds like you got all the screws out...

The panel attaches at the base which is two plastic tabs that have screws or bolts through them, I don't recall off hand...

There are 2 points your center bezel will stick, one is the top where the map/center console light is here be very careful as everyone I recall had a very sharp almost razor edge that cut or tore the vinyl dash cover. Use a small screw driver to depress the bezel to clear the dash.

The other point where it sticks in on the bottom where in connects to the center console, just be patient and it will come out ;)

I'll go look at my GM shop manual if anything is different I'll come back and add or correct ;)

Center instrument panel 78 corvette.

Hello Bud.
Thank you for your guidance.
I will have a go this weekend.
Dave B
If you want to remove the gauge center panel, I always find it a pain to remove. On top you have a light socket that will press against the dash. And at the bottom you have the vent/ac panel switches that hit the center panel. What I do is also loosen the center console so you can move the center console a little to the rear. Then try to get the center panel out by lowering it and try to get the bottom out first by also move it to the rear. Look out to not scratch your center console, I always put some old cloth between the two. :)

Greetings Peter
Did you remove the nuts holding the radio in place under the knobs?
Most likely round with slots in them. Needle nose pliers will get them off.
With trim screws removed, you will have to wiggle a little until you can reach and disconnect the wiring harness on the rear. The cluster will not come out until the harness is disconnected.


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