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Removing window tint


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2005
Merrimac, MA
1982 silver/claret

This is the worst job yet I have done on this car. My husband suggested removing it since the new carpeting isn't in and its a bubbly mess back there. There is no headroom and its freaking uncomfortable back there. This is car for pygmies not real sized people!

For an hour I was trying to remove the second layer of tint, the first came off much easier, the second layer isn't peeling its more brittle. So I had the steamer on it, the blow dryer, goo gone, windex, 409, paint thinner and nothing is taking off this layer so my husband comes over to see if he has any ideas and the brand new widget (scraper) has its blade in backwards! LOL. OMG he is NOT going to let me live this down.

In my defense it was in a package and I didn't see any instructions that they were going to put the blade in a PACKAGE backwards.

Back to the pain in misery.

Big cruise show near the house tonight I would like to go but there is just too much to be done.

Enjoy this beautiful day!

Try mixing 50x50 % amonia and water in a spray bottle and work with a wide 'Plastic Scrapper' as you might damage the electric defroster wire grid lamanated to the back window. The amonia water mix is used by my local tint shop to strip old tint before applying a new different color tint. be patient and work in one small area at a time, take a break and then tackle another section.
I go down to the parts store and get a bottle of window tint remover for about $10,I can do the complete car and have the windows cleaned in about a hour and a half!:thumb
Two words: Back pain. I am not sure why this second layer is so difficult to get off. I tried the amonia & water and it works (thank you) but only where the second layer is scraped off and its just the glue residue. I didn't see the posts til later so I don't know if window tint remove GM Junkie mentioned eats through all the layers - does it?
Two words: Back pain. I am not sure why this second layer is so difficult to get off. I tried the amonia & water and it works (thank you) but only where the second layer is scraped off and its just the glue residue. I didn't see the posts til later so I don't know if window tint remove GM Junkie mentioned eats through all the layers - does it?
Depends on the tint,Some tint it will take off 2 layers at a time,Others you will have to do a 2nd application!! Removes Glue too!!
There are a couple different brands,I found that Gila FR 200 works purdy good!!:thumb Read and follow directions!!:thumb:thumb

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