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replacing oil dipstick tube


Well-known member
May 27, 2003
central NJ
1966 convertible, 327 L79
I've had a nice go at it removing my old oil dipstick tube. Eventually I had to use a threaded tap and bolt to pull it out. Now my replacement tube is hard to get in. I wil try freezing it and lightly sanding the surface of the bottom end to get it to fit. Any other tips?

Is there supposed to be a rubber seal between the upper and lower dipstick tubes?

Lastly, is the flange at the bottom end (about an inch up) supposed to be flush with the engine block when it goes in? I just realized that my old tube sat a little more than a 1/4 off the block. Now if it's supposed to be flush that means that I've been overfilling the motor with oil all this time.
I've had a nice go at it removing my old oil dipstick tube. Eventually I had to use a threaded tap and bolt to pull it out. Now my replacement tube is hard to get in. I wil try freezing it and lightly sanding the surface of the bottom end to get it to fit. Any other tips?

Is there supposed to be a rubber seal between the upper and lower dipstick tubes?

Lastly, is the flange at the bottom end (about an inch up) supposed to be flush with the engine block when it goes in? I just realized that my old tube sat a little more than a 1/4 off the block. Now if it's supposed to be flush that means that I've been overfilling the motor with oil all this time.

Freezing it will help, and put a little anti-seize or oil on it; you can use an open-end or 12-point box-end wrench and a hammer on top of the flange to seat it flush against the block. There's no seal between the lower (internal) and upper (external) tubes.


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