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Request for engine pics

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Kenny got the block in the 78 this past weekend. :J
Still needs the carb and accessory parts installed, but we are getting MUCH closer to actual drive-time and I am getting excited.

Kenny has found that my new heads are a bit larger than the ones we took off and he has asked me to request pics of other C3 engines.

He needs overhead pics, without the air cleaner, that show the routing of hoses and vaccum lines. We have pared down this engine to the basics and I think we may need pics of early C3 pre-smog engines so we can see what vaccum lines need to be kept and which can go.

If you are unable to post pics in this thread, please email heidiken2 at earthlink dot net. Kenny has set our email settings as strict as possible and you will be prompted to be 'added to our list'. Please also include catch words (CAC, vette, engine pics) in the subject heading so we don't delete out of hand an unfamiliar email address.

Thank you for any and all help.
Heidi :w
Ken said:
Heads? Or valve covers Heidi? :confused
Kinda both... :confused
The heads appear a little bit longer from end to end and the lip that the valve covers sit on is almost a 1/2 inch taller than the stock heads we took off. We installed M/T valve covers and the overlap of the edge of the heads is just enough that Kenny was unable to modify some sort of shield that used to go there.
Bob, if you'd like to swing by this Sat, we'd love to see you! Kenny is leaving for Denver for 2 weeks on Sunday.

I'd love to but Saturday is no good. I have to get my Acura appraised in the morning and we have baseball in the early afternoon. Maybe when he gets back. In the meantime, I'll send you some pics or if he needs bigger pictures with more detail I can post them on my web site for download.

Thank you for the pics and the link. Looks like exactly what Kenny was looking for and I'll show him tomorrow night when he gets home from work.
Hey Gang,
I just purchased that hose kit with diagram from Dr rebuild but it hasn't arrived yet. I will post here when it comes as to whether it is as advertised. (especially the diagram!) Should be here in a few days.
Hey folks,

The hose kit came from DocRebuild and it was just as advertised. I'm very satisfied. Just FYI. Also I bought their troubleshooting guide for the headlight vacuum system and it guided me straight to the problem.
Chris Sanchez said:
Also I bought their troubleshooting guide for the headlight vacuum system and it guided me straight to the problem.
Sounds like I'll need to purchase that, too.
thats a nice looking engine. i wish my bay was that clean. but the damn 81 has so much smog and emissions **** on there...you cant even see the vette flags on the valve cover:( . half of me wants to rip some of that uneeded **** out of there...but then again i wanna keep the car pretty original...
just a quick note the bare minumum of vacuum lines needed to run the engine is one to the vacuum advance from the carb; one to the PCV valve (unless it is real early).
you will also need vacuum to the power brakes; headlight canisters: and heater controls. most of the other stuff is emissions related .
What heads do you have?

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