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Ride hight


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2004
Early 1976 L-48, 2008 Victory Red
I just read that the best "ride height" is where the half sharts are horizontal, that takes any stress off the u-joints. The artical also said that the ride hight can be adjusted by tightening or loosening the spring bolts. Is this as easy as it seems. I want to raise the rear of my 1976 a little, so all I need to do is adjust the bolts on each side at the end of the mono spring? Please let me know your thoughts on this. Thanks
Rear Ride height adjustment

You can raise the ride height of the body by tightening the nuts on the bolts at the end of the springs. The further up the bolt the nuts are, the higher the body.
If you've got a stock spring with stock bolts. this adjustment might not be possible. It could be that the rubber pads at the spring ends are worn out. Replacing them could gain you 1/2" to 1 ".

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