L88 crazy
Well-known member
Whats up Vette Owners!
I have a hestitation problem with my 72 T top. When cruising at 1500 rpm when I want a little more speed, the engine gets to 2000 rpm than drops 500 rpms to 1500 AND THAN it accelerates smoothly. Above 2000 rpms the car hesitates a little bit before gettin up and goin. I checked the timing and its perfect and I use the right octane gas, Premium. The Small Block Chevy in my Vette doesn't miss or burn a thing. Whats wrong?
I have a hestitation problem with my 72 T top. When cruising at 1500 rpm when I want a little more speed, the engine gets to 2000 rpm than drops 500 rpms to 1500 AND THAN it accelerates smoothly. Above 2000 rpms the car hesitates a little bit before gettin up and goin. I checked the timing and its perfect and I use the right octane gas, Premium. The Small Block Chevy in my Vette doesn't miss or burn a thing. Whats wrong?